NWIHS arranged a seminar on Academia Call for Innovation and Commercialization.


Northwest Institute of Health Science arranged a seminar on the subject “Academia Call for Innovation and Commercialization”. The basic aim of the session was to strengthen linkages between academia and market through media. Students and faculty of NWIHS and the Editor of Daily Khyber Mail along with senior journalists participated in the session.
Dr. Danish Ali Khan, Director NWIHS welcomed the team of Khyber Mail, students and faculty of the institute and shed light on the significance of bringing innovations in academia. The very aim of the activity is to bridge the gap between medical field and academia through utilizing the latest tools of media. Our youth have lot of potentials but they need a right direction to utilize their energies in positive and constructive activities. The Khyber Mail is a great opportunity for us where a dedicated space will be provided for publishing articles and stories on innovative ideas and themes to sensitize community regrading Professional Challenges, Specific awareness, Opportunities, Healthcare Systems, Research Ethics and Legal issue. There will be editorial board comprising of faculty, students and editors which will oversee and monitor the contents before publishing in the newspaper and website.
Mr. Rizwan Inayat, Chief Editor Khyber Mail assured the participants and said this is a joint venture and collaborative activity where Daily Khyber Mail will provide a free space to contents of NWIHS. This Collaboration aims to promote Structure Academic and research activities to enhance public awareness regarding Healthcare and Health system.
Later on, Mr. Rizwan Inayat presented printed copy of the Khyber Mail to the faculty and students of NWIHS


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